Oliver Twist
(communication in propagandas)
Due to some topics that I have gone through in
semester 1 in KSM, i was instructed to analyse a movie of my choice and
dissipate its propagandas. When I’m watching it, many propagandas can be seen.
The first propagandas would be the oppression on
the orphan. Propaganda of the person in charge in the orphan to take advantage
over the orphan. The head of the orphanage house uses all the money for
themselves and spent only a small amount for the orphan. They make the orphan
eat and sleep in an awful environment. They deceive the orphan by making them
believe that their life is a lot more better than others outside the orphanage
and that they should be thankful for their mercy. They were only given meal that
did not contain any vitamin and nutrient needed by the orphan to survive and
grow. They only had some food and they cannot ask for more. If they do, they
will be punish or being sold at an unreasonable price.
In the
movie, thay also practiced the enslavement of youngsters. The orphan were forced
to do hardwork in factory to pick up oakum which is a fibre from old rope.
Then, it is used again for Her Majesty’s navy. They were considered as serving
their country if they do so. The youngsters were trade for only 5 £. They were
offered at a low price and can be used as apprentices or anything else. Some
were sold as chimney sweepers. Without having them to say a word, they were
sold to the buyers. This is done as their punishment for being naughty. The people
said that by doing this, the child behaviour can be smoothened and he will be
an obedient boy in the future. But we can see the agenda behind it that clearly
seen that the person in charge cannot afford to have a problematic child at
their place as they will give them problems in future.
I recommended
that, all of you out there who haven’t watch the movie to hurried to your
nearest DVD rental stores or just watch it through Youtube. The movie, promise
you with lots of heart throbbing, life threatening, mind blowing and amazing
scene that will surely, entertain all of you.
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