Title: Goal Setting in Life <3 Some people believed that it’s never too late to climb up the stairs towards their goals in life, but have you ever realizes that the longer you took to think or making decision, your goals might become lesser and lesser till you actually believed that you have got enough and do not want more. Well to put it in simple words, it’s become meaningless. Yes??? Hmmmm… This might sound crazy yet I think I have enough of this and there’s lot of things that I regret in life and partly, it’s my own fault.. why??? I’ll tell u after this… Goals… what is it? In shaistionary ( shai’s dictionary I supposed J ) goals is define as future plans or the things that I want to achieved and obviously not! Not! Not! the goals in football games nor the goalkeeper okay.. and truthfully not Cassilas or CR or Torres which might need a longer in depth definition in shaitionery… muahahaha… Enough with those crap, let’s move on shell we?? Few of us might want to go do wha...
all about me, myself and I and everytin that pop out of my mind....